Friday, July 8, 2011

The Perfect Blade

Most dogs I know are rather particular about their whereabouts. Mine seems to have taken that and run with it. We walk. In the heat. Out front. In the alley. Around the block. Across the busy street to another sidewalk. To the empty lot. To the other empty lot. Seemingly everywhere. To find the perfect blade. It must be placed correctly. Smell just so. And if it's in view of another animal at the time, that automatically raises its status.

Are all dogs like this? I know from neighbors and friends who have walked Coda for me before that she can be quick. Even surprisingly so. Go out, squat, go back in. As soon as I take the leash though, we are out for an adventure! Especially when I am running late for school.

Maybe that's okay though. Like when we were kids. My parents knew that while we would push boundaries and cause early gray hairs, we were always polite and respectful in society. Maybe I should welcome the fact that even though my ends are fried by the 5th time we circled the same spot, others, when in charge, have a simple and direct outing.

So search for it, Coda. Sniff it out. Find that one blade that needs you the most. And claim it for your own. So long as you're with me.

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